Online voter registration is LIVE! Click the link above to register to vote or make updates to your existing voter registration.
You may register to vote if you are:
- A U.S. citizen and a permanent resident of Florida
- At least 18 years of age (you may pre-register at 16); and
- In possession of your civil rights
The following information will guide you in the process of registering to vote for the first time in Florida. Voter registration is one of the most critically important cornerstones and safeguards of the election process. For your convenience, registration application forms are available at public assistance offices, libraries, city halls, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and upon request by emailing or calling our office.
You may register by mail by completing an application and mailing it to our office at 201 N. Oklahoma St., Suite 102, Bonifay, Florida 32425.
Remember: If you are registering for the first time in Florida by mail, please read the directions on the voter registration application form carefully. There are additional requirements for providing a copy of identification along with your completed form. In addition, the voter registration application form contains detailed information regarding the qualifications to register to vote, registration deadlines, and the oath that a voter takes upon registering.
The deadline to register to vote is 29 days before any election. You can update your registration record at any time, but for a Primary Election, party changes must be completed 29 days before that election. You will be contacted if your new application is incomplete, or denied. Your Voter Information Card will be mailed to you once you are registered.
Also, please understand that Florida is a closed-primary state. In primary elections, registered voters can only vote for their registered party’s candidates in a partisan race on the ballot. In a primary election, all registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, can vote on any issue, nonpartisan race, and race where a candidate faces no opposition in the General Election. If you do not indicate your party affiliation, you will be registered with no party affiliation.
Make changes to your existing voter registration
Other Registration Topics
Check to see if you are registered anywhere in Florida
Look up your registration status and information in Holmes County
Voter Residency Guidelines for Florida
Get information about having your civil (voting) rights restored
Information about conducting voter registration drives
What is a Voter Information Card?
Amendment 4
Amendment 4, as passed by Florida voters on November 8, 2018, restored the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions who have completed all terms of their sentence, including parole or probation. Amendment 4 does not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses; persons convicted of those crimes continue to be permanently barred from voting unless the Clemency Board, comprised of the governor and cabinet, vote to restore their voting rights through a case-by-case process.
For more information click on Standards Governing Eligibility to Vote after a Felony Conviction.
Any eligible voter whose voting rights have been restored and wishes to register to vote can download a Florida Voter Registration Application.
Florida Voter Registration Application (English)
Florida Voter Registration Application (Spanish)
The application should be printed, the required information filled out and signed, and either dropped of at our office or mailed to:
Holmes County Supervisor of Elections
201 N. Oklahoma Street, Ste. 102
Bonifay, FL 32425